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I’m at work tonight, the rodeo down the road is keeping us interested. It’s hard to sleep, even if nothing is happening out there because you are always waiting for shit to happen. I got back from a wedding in nz last week which was terribly stressful for us, we ended up organising and running around a lot.

Either way it was an amazing and successful day. It makes me excited for ours. I just hope like shit nothing goes wrong. It made me miss home too.

Work has been at least interesting since I got back, some truly sick patients. I still feel like a bumbling idiot most of the time. My qualifying exam is soon and I’m feeling negative about it. Still, there’s always a chance to resit. I hope.

Shits getting crazy

Things are mental for me at the moment. So much going on. I have an exam next month that the rest of my career hinges on. I’m off to NZ to MC a wedding, I’m in the middle of planning my own and I’m super excited that last night I got to watch Roger Federer put on a masterclass live and in colour at the Aussie Open. So why, with all this crazy and exciting stuff happening am I a bit angry this morning?

I worked with a paramedic here in Melbourne for just one day a few months ago. Younger than me but more senior (and with half the knowledge (and I don’t know that much)) she made my day absolutely hellish. One of my worst days in an ambulance. What made it worse was that this person refused to let me get a coffee all day because she doesn’t like it. Or so she says. I just turned up to my favouriteu Melbourne cafe to see her and another ambo strolling out with Coffees! I don’t care that she made me feel awful and want to quit my job that day. But to deny me
my coffee out of sheer spite? Well that hurts.


First post for a BLOG Virgin

The chances are certainly very high that no one will ever read this. That’s both fine with me, and a bit of a shame. Fine with me because, well, I’m not very interesting. And it’s a shame because no-one ever starts a blog they don’t want to have someone else read. I think.

Anyway, I’m a late 20-something paramedic who lives in Australia. I was born in New Zealand though ( just on the right of Australia on the map, in two pieces but never in the headlines). It’s always going to be home for me and I’m really just working in Australia to ensure a comfortable life for my family and I when I move back. Too many kiwis knock NZ after they have left, it’s special though. Unique and isolated and insignificant. There’s something to be said for insignificance as a nation. Don’t ruffle feathers and you won’t get ruffled back.

So my aim for this blog is to act like a Journal or diary. I’ve always been shit at writing in journals and diaries so I thought I would give this a nudge and see how it turns out. I hardly ever complete anything I start (the bike in pieces in my garage) or continue something that won’t necessarily be finished (eating well and exercising every day). So if you are reading this, stay tuned and feel free to let me know if I’m letting myself down through my sheer laziness. Don’t be surprised if the posts aren’t all that frequent but hopefully you find them interesting, thought provoking or different in some way, it won’t necessarily involve work, there are already boatloads of Blogs by paramedics. Have nice day and take care of yourself, I don’t want to see you when I’m in my uniform.
